PRSSA Bateman Competition 


The Bateman Case Study Competition is PRSSA’s premier national case study competition for public relations students that gives students an opportunity to apply classroom education and internship experiences to create and implement a full public relations campaign.

It challenges student teams to research, plan, implement and evaluate a public relations campaign centered on raising awareness.

Our client was the Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF). Their mission is to eradicate lymphoma and serve those impacted by this blood cancer. 
Our client problem:
LRF has discovered that young adults, specifically college students, feel less susceptible to being diagnosed with cancers such as lymphoma, which affects an overall awareness. It is easy for early symptoms of Lymphoma to be mistaken for a hangover or associated with general college life experiences.


As college students, we have the advantage of being able to reach the young adults LRF feels are lacking awareness both at our university and the local community. We plan to utilize resources at Temple such as our networks with a diverse population of students.
I and four other students implemented a public relations campaign over the course of five months. The campaign included three months of research and two months of campaign execution. 


Our campaign was mentioned in The Temple News, two Klein College of Media and Communication newsletters, and shared on four Temple University-affiliated Instagram accounts.

In total, our campaign achieved

  • 2.5 million impressions
  • Motivated 677 college-aged adults to engage with our content
  • Signed 52 people up as stem cell donors.

We are especially proud of our donor drive as that will have an ever-lasting impact on 52 lymphoma and other blood cancer patients’ lives.